
Been There Done That - Think You Know Someone...Think Again Icebreaker Party Game

Milked any Cow? Traveled to Europe? Missed a Flight? Been to Disney World? Find out the answers within this hit party game. Through the outrageous places traveled to the basic things people do every day, you'll be amazed by the things you learn.

This easy-to-play game is an excellent ice breaker for multiple new friends and a must at every family game night. With over 850 scenarios, including suggestions for large groups as well as other fun variations, no game is ever identical! For hours of fantastic fun - the option is Been There Performed That! Buy now you need to the party!

Played this game having some friends and had an incredibly good time. It was fun learning new details of people such as: Who’s had a perm? Who’s played in the band? Who’s been in the Black Friday shopping brand? Unlike other games, this game is family friendly then one I could play with my mom within the room.

Would recommend this kind of game for parties, spouse and children gatherings, and other collection settings. Playing the game is the best way to get to know other folks, so if you need an ice-breaker type game, this is a good one.

Suggestion for Been There Done That - Think You Know Someone...Think Again Icebreaker Party Game

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Been There Done That - Think You Know Someone...Think Again Icebreaker Party Game

